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Laï, the main character displayed in the project, is stuck at home and submerged by destructive negative inner thoughts. The radio/ podcast format I started to work with for the sound-performance Inside Laï’s Mind functions as a very powerful stage for the expansion of this reflection on the female inner monologue, and the perceivable symptoms of anxiety expressed by the character of Laï and the many voices living in her head. In this first version of the short film, I have decided to keep the voice alone, accompanied by a black image, to bring us closer to Laï, literally inside her mind.
Artist Biography
Laura Dubourjal (1994) is a French visual artist and fashion designer who uses auto-fictional choreographies as a layout for audio-visual and spatial installations. She currently participates in the Art Praxis programme at Dutch Art Institute (NL) 2020-2022. Her practice intersects between exploring the paradigm of the non-territorial autonomy, and fabricated role-plays of non-binary identity representations. Her artistic interest diverges from re-imaging archetypes of gender socialization, to exploring dialectics of the inner feminine monologue and its translatable political value.
Laura Dubourjal
Laura Dubourjal originally from: Anxieté, Pomme, 2019. Corps, Yseult, 2019.